Main features of Points2shop

13+ are allowed to use Points2shop! (parental consent needed) 

1,000,000+ members was achieved in May 2010, that says alot!

Free to sign up and use! (other sites require a sign up or usage fee!)

Multiple redeeming/payout methods! (amazon, paypal, egold, cheque, Alert-pay, giftcards) 

Live shoutbox with both funny and supportive members, this really helps when your new, quick answers to questions!

Great pay rate! You get rewarded fairly on Points2Shop!

Many ways to earn points/money! Offers, daily clicks, lottery, games

Fun way to build some savings! Chat while completing easy offers that put some money back in your pocket!

Ease of redemption! Because Points2shop has amazon intergrated into its website it is so easy to click what you want and it comes to your door, no swapping websites or anything!

Free 250 points that you can redeem straight away! Get things like phone cases and party bag fillers with some of the points that you start with, or just use them as a building block and wait for a bigger prize

Points2shop is great for anyone in UK, USA and Canada!

Profile and private messaging allow users to make friends and help eachother!

Easy to see what others have won! Click their user-name in the shoutbox to see what they have redeemed, the amount some people have got is just unbelievable

Lively forum that you get rewarded for using, for posting things about deals and freebies you get a lottery ticket which can win various great points/cash prizes. The jackpot increases by $10.00 each week until someone wins!

No minimum payout!

There are so many advantages about Points2Shop, some I probably haven't remembered!

And that is how you earn free gifts easily!

So sign up today and start getting stuff for free!
click here to go to points2shop
thanks for looking how to earn free gifts